Easy. Relevant. Effective. Permanent.

Meet a small sample of everyday people who now live well – everyday.

Feedback from:

Margaret Holden

Hi team. Well we are back from the big 10 week trip and can you believe it, despite all the food and drink, I’ve continued to lose weight. Anthem has been a life changing journey for Rod and I as it’s just so adaptable. Thank you for availing us of all your expertise and we now look forward to a life time of wellness support from your team

Margaret Holden (Masterton, NZ)

Posted in

“No One Ever Needs to be Sick, Overweight or Unwell”


Ben Foley

If there is one message that's come from this process for me it's - get the right advice and support...

Ataahua Mete

Your team is just fantastic and Anthem worked perfectly for me. I really don’t have the words to express my...

Molly Burke

I just feel so fortunate my grandson put me onto you people at Anthem. I feel a million dollars, still...

Edie and the Auckland Crew

Our parenting group want to extend our sincere thanks to the Anthem team for the amazing support we have had....

Craig Markham

When we were told we could still eat and drink whatever we liked I was very sceptical. But it was...

Tony Carmichael

My specialist told me to lose 20kg before he would allow me to undergo elective surgery. The guys at the...

Penny Holden

Pete I can’t remember when I last smiled so much. To now live a life completely symptom and sickness free...

Anne Davidson

It was only 2 years ago that Robin died and as you know my world fell apart, into a big...

Dorothy & Helen Miller

I know you probably hear this all the time but Anthem is simply incredible. My mum was on a fast...

Holly Gibbs

I can't honestly say I enjoyed the journey (that White week two was tough for me) but I do enjoy...

Abby Thomlinson

OMG Pete I can't thank you enough for everything you have put up with by helping me. I'm sure I...

Diane O’Connor

Do you know the most stunning thing about this programme for me (apart from the incredible results) was the fact...

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